Why Is Your Facebook Campaign Not Working?
Are you disappointed about the lack of success you are having with Facebook?
Perhaps you have only a few people liking your page and nobody is talking about your service or brand.
It takes time to build and grow a loyal following of fans. Social Media marketing takes patience and long term thinking but the investment in time and effort certainly pays off when it’s done well. That is the reason why so many companies are willing to invest in social media campaigns. They realize the value of social media marketing.
Here are 5 reasons why your Facebook presence may not be working for you and what you should do to improve on it:
1. Review your Social Media Strategy
Some small businesses set up a Facebook page because they feel they need one plus they realize that their potential customers are there. Maybe it is because their competitors have one and they don’t want to slack behind. But when asked what the goal of their Facebook page is, they don’t really have a clue. So, let’s think about your Facebook page for a moment:
- Do you want to get more likes?
- Do you want your Facebook presence to increase brand awareness about your company or product?
- Do you want to increase sales?
Your reasons for having a Facebook page could be one, two or all three. Whatever it is you want to achieve, you need to have a concise goal and plan of action. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you to determine what tools and marketing strategies you need to use in order to make it work.
2. You Don’t Update Your Content Often Enough
After the initial novelty of having a Facebook page wears off, many neglect their pages. Mostly because they aren’t seeing any results from their Facebook business page and they feel that their efforts don’t work.
It is important to remember the only reason anybody would ever want to visit your Facebook page is because of the content. Simply put, if you don’t post anything then nobody will bother to visit your page actually no one will know that you exist. Even if the content you posted a few days, weeks or months ago was fantastic you can’t afford to rest on your laurels. We live in a fast paced world where information quickly becomes outdated and people move on to the next big thing. This being said it is vital that you post often. But how often? At the very least it should be once a day but 4 or 5 times a day would be even better. Follow some of the big companies. Study how they engage their followers by adding quick posts that grab the attention and encourage a reaction from the viewer.
3. Oh No… Your Posts Are So Boring!
If you look at the content savvy business owners add to their pages you’ll see that it is light hearted and fun. It entertains their followers so they keep coming back for more. They give away coupons, have contests and engage their fans. That is the secret – providing content your followers want to read. When people visit your page, they don’t want to read sales promotions or posts that are all about you. It needs to be fun and interesting.
So if you owned a restaurant you could:
- Add your menu to the page.
- Describe dishes on your menu that you would personally recommend.
- Teach them how to cook one of your dishes
- Ask what their favorite dishes are.
- Ask for customers reviews.
- Include videos showing people around your restaurant; maybe introduce them to your staff or how about showing them how to make one of your signature dishes.
- Give away coupons and vouchers.
These are just a few examples and the list is endless but you get the idea of how you need to make the content relevant to your business, yet at the same time interesting enough so your followers get involved and start talking about your brand or your company.
4. It is all text and you don’t include photos or graphics
Visual content is essential. Facebook users tend to browse past many posts and you literally only have a couple seconds to convince them to visit your page. So if you are posting long messages people are not going to read them, no matter how interesting or informative they may be.
To be successful on Facebook means you have to focus on posting content and images that attract attention. These can be about your business or service so include photos of your premises, your stock, your staff, the results (bouquets if you are a florist, a beautifully manicured lawn if you are in lawn maintenance….you get the idea).
You could even visit sites like Pinterest and re-pin images that you find onto your Facebook page. Again, look at how other companies use images for inspiration.
5. Your Facebook Page is Anonymous and Your Brand is Invisible
Facebook is so popular. It enables you to reach a huge worldwide audience and it would be a crime to not use it to its full potential by not clearly branding your page.
Having a clearly branded page and addressing the above mentioned issues your Facebook campaign will be on its way to be far more successful and you will increase your chances of attracting new followers and keeping your loyal fans.
If you need help and want to learn more about how to use Facebook to your full advantage so that you too can get extra sales every month contact me today so I can share some of my super-secret Facebook tactics with you and help you create a laser targeted branded page.
I guarantee that your new branded, custom designed Facebook page will create a unique look and feel, giving your target market a more involved brand experience. This will help your company engage more with a wider target audience and encourage them to spend more time on your profile.
Contact us today for some great advice that will transform your online and offline presence and attract new customers.