Got a Website? You’re not done!

Congratulation to your new website. Owning a website comes with responsibilities. Like your car your website needs regular maintenance in order to stay successful. Regular updates will help your site run smoothly and not frustrate any of your visitors because it does not work properly and/or has broken links. Furthermore websites are subjects of being hacked and keeping your site up-do date will help prevent these unwelcomed intrusions.


interpress global homepage

Interpress Global Homepage

Why are websites vulnerable? Well, your website lives in an environment that is constantly changing. Surely you are aware of the constant updates from Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, etc. Your website has to keep up with all these activities and therefore requires constant supervision.

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Why Is Your Facebook Campaign Not Working?


Are you disappointed about the lack of success you are having with Facebook?

Perhaps you have only a few people liking your page and nobody is talking about your service or brand.

It takes time to build and grow a loyal following of fans. Social Media marketing takes patience and long term thinking but the investment in time and effort certainly pays off when it’s done well. That is the reason why so many companies are willing to invest in social media campaigns. They realize the value of social media marketing.

Facebook MarketingHere are 5 reasons why your Facebook presence may not be working for you and what you should do to improve on it:

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There Is Something Comfortable About Traditional Advertising Methods

Rural Mail Box


Everyone who is in business realizes at one point or another that advertising is necessary. So as a business owner or manager you think about what kind of advertising techniques and strategies work best to convince your consumers to buy your product. Going back not too long there were fewer options for your campaign than today. Typically the focus was on direct mail, magazine advertising, newspaper ads, billboards, radio, TV and telemarketing. Let’s face it the goal of any advertising technique is to convince your target customer that your product or service is what he or she needs.

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Social Media Traps to Avoid or Does Social Media Really Work?

Social Media Marketing



Does Social Media really work?  This is a question that is asked a lot. Most businesses understand that a social media marketing campaign eventually will produce ROI. However, many are not quite sure on how to approach this medium or what it takes to measure the return. One thing is certain; most business owners will agree that a social media strategy is necessary and makes sense.

Let’s look at some statistics:

  • 52% of all marketers have found a customer via Facebook in 2013   (Source: HubSpot)
  • The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55 to 64 age bracket (Source: Business Insider)
  • Every second two new people join LinkedIn (Source: Business Insider)
  • 49% of marketers selected Facebook as the single most important social platform for their business (Source: Social Media Examiner)
  • 89% of marketers said that social media has generated more exposure for their business and 75% reported positive results. (Source: Mediabistro)
  • At least 62% of businesses with 10 or fewer employees agreed that social media reduced marketing expenses. (Source: Mediabistro)

Considering this why is social media so frustrating to many businesses? Believe it or not there are actually businesses that don’t want to deal with it even though they understand that this could be quite a powerful marketing outlet. Here are five Social Media traps that could be of concern and should be avoided:

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Email Marketing Done Right for Best Results


email marketing With all the social media and mobile marketing hype that is going on you might think that email marketing is sort of an old-fashion type of marketing. It is pretty amazing that we are thinking in terms of old-fashion when this medium has been around for less than 30 years.

As a matter of fact, email marketing is a very powerful marketing tool that is often neglected by individual businesses. In fact it is a direct way of having a one-on-one relationship with your clients. Think about it with an email you reach out to one person and this gives your business a chance to shine in a more personal environment. At the same time email marketing is amazingly cost effective plus if you use an email marketing service you most likely will have access to some very valuable statistics that can help you further understand your market.

Where to get the email addresses

You cannot start an email campaign without any addresses. So it is absolutely vital that you are collecting the email addresses from your customers. There are several organic ways you can acquire these names. If you have a storefront why not ask your customers to sign up to join your email list. If you have a website, why not use a call-to-action and ask for your visitors to sign up to your list. Once placed on this list you can send newsletters, special offers, special announcements etc. It may be a good idea for your customers to know that you will not misuse or sell their addresses. This is a good practice and will also help adding credibility to your business. By having the permission of your customers they are aware of your business and most likely will read your notes,  plus your email is not considered spam.

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